Monthly Archives: November 2010

Being happy with what is!

I try, but I can’t always do it. Like tonight, Tuesday track session. We ran 1000’s. I ran 4 of them. Now I’ve only run 7 other times in the last 3 years, all in the last 5 weeks, but … Continue reading

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Why are so many people concerned with being tough? Don’t you think being nice is far more important? Athletes after a touchdown, basket, hit, pitch, goal, staring down the opponent, people walking down the street or driving by scowling at … Continue reading

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Cycling Mulholland

I went for another ride today, from woodland Hills were I’m staying to the top of the Rock Store climb. It’s been 19 years since I lived in the San Fernando valley and did this ride. I’ve changed a lot … Continue reading

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The Day After Double Cross

Yesterday was “Double Cross The Injuns” day. Most people celebrate this wonderful memory by eating too much stuffed turkey, mashed potatoes, something green, and something very sweet for desert, apple, pumpkin or some other pie. I certainly did – although … Continue reading

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Forget Willpower – Just Balance Your Brain’s Chemistry!

During the holidays our interactions with friends, family, and coworkers – as well as the overwhelming array of tasks we need to accomplish from buying gifts to entertaining – often generates excessive amounts of stress.  Unfortunately when stressed, most of … Continue reading

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Day 1 in SoCal

Great day today! swam at noon with CVMM, rode Old Topanga after a light lunch, then went to Future Track in the evening. My legs are tired, but happy! Swimming was fun. Coach Nancy is teaching me the new stroke. … Continue reading

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Jordan’s support and split crew where in place and excited to help in any way we could. El Kwazito and I were up early (well not as early as we would have been had been staying with an athlete!) to … Continue reading

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Traveling Man

Hello from the road again! I’m bound for Tempe AZ to watch Jordan race (defend) IMAZ. I didn’t feel like packing yesterday so I rushed through it this morning. Hopefully I didn’t forget anything. But I should be able to … Continue reading

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I tried to write a few other things today, none of which I had the interest in finishing, and figure if I didn’t why would anyone care if I didn’t. I always thought facial hair was ridiculous and this is … Continue reading

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The Word Perfect

There a few words in the English and American languages that shouldn’t exist and I will write a little about each one I can think of as the mood hits. I will start with the word Perfect. Perfect in a … Continue reading

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