
2 Responses to Testimonials

  1. Jasper Blake says:

    I’ve worked with numerous coaches over the course of my career but few have had the lasting impact that Andrew MacNaughton has had. In 2006 I had spent six years as a regular contender at Ironman events across North America but had never realized my full potential. In a very short time frame Andrew helped me tap into my full potential and win my first Ironman title. His fundamental knowledge of training combined with his vast experience as a professional and pioneer in the sport of triathlon make him one of the best teachers and mentors I’ve ever worked with. Andrew has and always will be one of the most valuable assets to my racing career.

    -Jasper Blake- Ironman Champion-

  2. Hey Andrew, site looks great and I’m excited to hear you’re setting up in Thousand Oaks again and continuing to share your love of coaching, mentoring and humour with others. I can’t believe it was almost 15 years ago we were in 1000oaks training on the Rock Store climb, stealing your food, breaking your car and wrecking havoc, all the while picking your brain for more and more advice and following your training program. I can’t tell you how much impact that had on me, my attitude to racing and life. My approach to any of the challenges I faced later in my career was shaped in many ways by the subtle (and not so subtle) lessons you taught Jasper and I. So many coaches say they have a “holistic” and balanced approach, you always walked the walk and imparted on Jasper and I a confidence and attitude that, who knew, led to some great successes.

    and a barrel of laughs.

    Simon Whitfield
    I still owe you a bike case and a 1992 Honda Civic gearbox

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