Wildflower 1990

Wildflower 1990 Bike

I know this shot isn’t great. It was taken by my father’s wife in 1990 at the Wildflower long course event. What do I like so much about it? You can see a pack about 45 seconds behind me and I’m all alone. I rode 2:16 on the course that day, without any of the aero garb the boys use today, other than the DH bars. And look at my position! Oh my!

It was hot that first Saturday in May. I think over 110°F (43°C) if memory serves me correctly. And with events this far back, my memory is pretty good. Just don’t ask me what I’m doing now, cuz I don’t remember.

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Working Through My Goals For The Week


This morning I woke up to a beautiful sunny day and noticed the thermometer reading, 16°F! Oh my! (As Dorothy would say.) I’m not ready for this yet weather yet. (Dorothy didn’t say the weather part, just the, “Oh My!”)

I bundled up and took the dog for a walk. My nose is now red and runny! And my hand is freezing from talking to my mum on the phone while I walked the dog.

Afterwards, I went up to the garage and pulled out a couple of boxes of my old, but never been used, tri stuff. I got a new pair of TYR googles out and found I have a bunch of Insport clothing and some old Team Canada garb from 1993.

As you can see I’m working on my goal for this week of heading to the pool and touching the water. Next step is actually going over to it and getting in. Unless I add a step of going over to look before I go over to get in. The progress is sometimes slow, but as long as it’s still progress, you can’t really complain.

Yesterday I got in my 20 minute run. First one is always fun, until the next day or two. My legs are a little tender today and I make faces when I sit down. But it’s all part of the process and actually fun for me. In a few weeks I’ll be able to run for 45 mins without any trouble. Then I’ll introduce some track sessions and the soreness will be back for a few more days! Then…. It’s a process and I enjoy it, all.

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The Off Season

What is the off season and how best do spend it?

Like so many things it depends on your season. For some the off season is a chance for some much needed rest, others take this opportunity to work on some of their weaknesses, or work on the energy systems they’ve been neglecting during the season. Ironman athletes can do a fast block, short coursers can do a strength block, athletes who travel a lot can catch up with their friends and family. Some might even choose to work on their core strength. I will be reintroducing myself to running and swimming.

Over the last two summers I participated in a few bike races. Yes, participated. In the olden days I raced events like these, but now a-days I just participate. The races were a lot of fun, and a shock to my system at the same time. I remembered conversations with Simon from years ago about momentum and filling the gaps, and they bubbled up just as I was getting out of the saddle for an acceleration to close a little gap in my first bike race. I knew I had a very limited amount of energy to conserve from only 6 or 7 hours a week of fiddling around on my bike. It was a very different approach from when I was 25 years younger and usually one of the strongest in the field. So instead of giving away one of my very limited amount of accelerations, I sat back down and eventually a group of people went around me, filled the gap and I didn’t have to waste any energy. I guess you could say, I did my best to adapt.

When I was a competitive athlete I always volunteered at a few races at the end of my season. I did a variety of things, handing out water at aid stations, lead vehicle on the bike or run, check-in, draft marshal, what ever was needed. I liked them all, but working the aid station was most fun.

This week I have two goals: first is to test the water at the pool here in Taos (a 25 yard salt water pool from what I’ve heard); second is to find some running shoes and get in 20 minutes. Yes, these are lofty goals, but I should be able to handle it. I used to be a professional!

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The Word Liberal

The word Liberal, what does it mean?

The definition below is from the dictionary on my computer. Not an actual 10 pound book, that one is under the front wheel of my bike on the trainer, but the one that comes built into the operating system. Regardless of the form of dictionary I used, it doesn’t really sound like a bad word to me. In fact it sounds like a great word to me.

  1. open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values : they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people.
    • favorable to or respectful of individual rights and freedoms : liberal citizenship laws.
    • (in a political context) favoring maximum individual liberty in political and social reform : a liberal democratic state.
    • ( Liberal) of or characteristic of Liberals or a Liberal Party.
    • ( Liberal) (in the UK) of or relating to the Liberal Democrat Party : the Liberal leader.
    • Theology regarding many traditional beliefs as dispensable, invalidated by modern thought, or liable to change.
  2. [ attrib. ] (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person’s general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
  3. (esp. of an interpretation of a law) broadly construed or understood; not strictly literal or exact : they could have given the 1968 Act a more liberal interpretation.
  4. given, used, or occurring in generous amounts : liberal amounts of wine had been consumed.
    • (of a person) giving generously : Sam was too liberal with the wine.

What’s in the Thesaurus?

  1. the values of a liberal society: tolerant, unprejudiced, unbigoted, broad-minded, open-minded, enlightened; permissive, free, free and easy, easygoing, libertarian, indulgent,lenient. ANTONYMS narrow-minded, bigoted.
  2.  a liberal social agenda: progressive, advanced, modern, forward-looking, forward-thinking, progressivist, enlightened, reformist, radical. ANTONYMS reactionary,conservative.
  3. a liberal education: wide-ranging, broad-based, general.
  4. a liberal interpretation of divorce laws: flexible, broad, loose, rough, free, general, nonliteral, nonspecific, imprecise, vague, indefinite. ANTONYMS strict, to the letter.
  5. a liberal coating of paint: abundant, copious, ample, plentiful, generous, lavish, luxuriant, profuse, considerable, prolific, rich; literary plenteous. ANTONYMS scant.
  6. they were liberal with their cash: generous, openhanded, unsparing, unstinting, ungrudging, lavish, free, munificent, bountiful, beneficent, benevolent, bighearted,philanthropic, charitable, altruistic, unselfish; literary bounteous. ANTONYMS careful, miserly.

Check out the antonyms – who and what do they sound like? Why are the antonym people working so hard to make liberal a bad word?

On another note, Colin sent me an article this morning, (http://nyti.ms/cpQlhS) which you should read. Just in case you get anything smelly in the mail – you’ll know it’s from the republican, tea party crazies. Who in their right mind would vote for someone who aligns themselves with a overly reactionary predator? Mama Grizzlies? Are you kidding me! Kill first, never ask questions. Great motto! Great Family Values!

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NPR Fires Juan Williams

Bigotry and Our Imploding Universe

Juan Williams

Juan Williams was fired today after he told Bill O’Reilly that he gets nervous when he sees people in Muslim garb on an airplane. “I mean, look, Bill, I’m not a bigot. You know the kind of books I’ve written about the civil rights movement in this country,” Williams said. However what he doesn’t understand is, he is a bigot! Now the question is, where does his bigotry come from? Is it ignorance, where most bigotry does come from. Or is it some place else, maybe from us, or them, or media, or government trying to keep us afraid of anything and everything. Just because he has no problem with christians, or white people, or black people, or western jewish people, doesn’t mean he’s not a bigot! Quite obviously he has a bigotry towards Muslims.

Great News! FOX NEWS just gave him a $2 million dollar raise for for advancing their agenda!

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Winter’s Coming to Taos

Swimming Pools

Good morning nonexistent readers. I hope you slept well last night and woke up refreshed, happy and excited for the new day. I did. I even went so far as to search for the pool schedule on the web! Yes, I’m thinking of going for a swim. It’s been 6 years since I swam in a pool, but I’ve been thinking a lot about it lately, so I took a small step in that direction. I might even call the masters coach later today to find out more about it.

I’m heading to TO for 4 months this winter and will be working with the Conejo Valley Multisport Masters Swim Team. I’m looking forward to a good winter of swimming cycling and running!

If you’re looking for a seasoned triathlete for input, give me a shout. I’m looking to add a few athletes.

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Getting the Band Back Together

Mark, Rod and I went for a ride today, an old stand-by, out lynn Rd., to Petrero, Down the hill to Hueneme, on to Los Posas, PCH, Mulholland, then down Decker to Westlake and back to the commune. I haven’t ridden there since 2005, and with Rod since 2003. Next time, we’ll have to get Jaime too and we’ll have the band from 2003 back together again.

It was fun going down Decker after such a longtime. I haven’t been down a technical descent since I left TO. I’m looking forward to winter riding again this year. Hopefully I’ll get in good shape, it’s been a while.

There wasn’t a fire when I was there however there was the week before.

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The Commune Kwaz!

Promos & Our RAPP on …

I’m in the old hood – TO – for Jaime’s wedding next weekend. Staying at the commune. I came a week early to watch and shoot Jordan at the LA Tri, his first race back.

Today Jordan and I shot a few video spots for our new series – “Our RAPP on Technology.” Look for more to come in the next 6 months.

Here are the links to the videos:

http://www.vimeo.com/15952195 – Our RAPP on Technology

http://www.vimeo.com/15952329 – Our RAPP on Helmets

http://www.vimeo.com/15952369 – Our RAPP on Bottles

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Everest Challenge

Riding up the first 6,000 ft climb

6,000 ft Climb

Kyle and I are in Bishop, CA doing the Everest Challenge. 29,046 feet of climbing in two days. We planned on doing it that is! Neither of us were in good enough shape to make either day, but we did try hard and have fun. It was hot in the valley, upper 90’s, and perfect on the climbs. We both hope to be back next year to do a better job.

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Leadville, CO

In Leadville for the Trail 100

Here at over 10,000 ft above sea level, 4 hrs north of Taos, rests Leadville. A sleepy little ex-mining town which plays host to one to the toughest and most scenic endurance challenges available. The Leadville Trail 100 Mountain Bike. An obscure little race until a few years ago when Lance Armstrong decided to race. And once he mentions it, millions of people know in seconds, thanks to his 2.6 million twitter followers. His tweets have more readers than the LA times or the Wall Street Journal. Talk about the power to rally!

A few of us gathered here to support Kyle is his quest for the dreaded belt buckle. Vance, Caroline, Julie, and Andrew were the support crew.

Lance had just had a poor showing at the tour and ended up not wanting to do anything this challenging. But Leadville did attract his teammate, Levi this year.


The crowd for registration was huge, with the 1300 entrants and another several times that here to watch and support.

We planned on attending the pre-race briefing but there wasn’t enough room in the building to handle all the interest people. Kyle didn’t even get in!

Race day started typically early, 4AM. We were in a rented home about 10 miles out of town up some crazy long dirt road with a couple of gates that needed to be opened and shut along the way.

One of our crew brought his (or her) mtn bike and planned on riding at least some of the course.

The course is not really technically tough, which is good for the road riders in the race, but tough enough so the mtn riders do have an obvious advantage in the technical areas and downhills.

The day was perfect, sunny and 65ish, and played a part in the course record Levi set, 6:15.

Kyle rode in at just over 11 hrs and said this was as proud as he’s ever been of a consolation prize!

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